Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Posture Practice Session for the Country & Western Two Step

These are terms used throughout all types of dancing. Many who are new to dancing can only guess at their meaning and how each relates to dancing. To keep things basic we will only refer to the above terms as related to couples dancing. There are probably more profound explanations for the above terms but below is my interpretations of them.

Everyone likes to start dancing patterns. Once learned they become easier to dance. When men first learn a pattern they need to watch out for their partner. Most new men dancers try to put every lady through the new pattern. Just keep in mind that all women dance and react to leads differently. The most admired male dancers not only know enough patterns, but also how to interpret the lady's reaction to the lead. They then make adjustments in frame and footwork reacting to the lady. The most avoided men just plow on ahead virtually ignoring their partner in the quest to finish the pattern.

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