Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cuddle Position for Country-Western Dancing

The cuddle position in country western dance is done with both partners facing the same direction with their arms around each other. Done in a variety of country western dances, the cuddle looks flawless and natural when done properly. These instructions show you how to lead in cuddle position.
  • Step 1 Stand side-by-side with your partner, holding hands.
  • Step 2 Move to your left in a quarter turn to bring yourself face-to-face with your partner.
  • Step 3 Step again to your left, let go of one hand and hold on to the other, turning another quarter turn. You should now be facing the opposite direction you began in.
  • Step 4 Go forward again, swing your partner out and pull her back in a wrap. Her hand wraps around her front to hold your hand that is behind her back. Take hold of her free hand with your free hand in front of the two of you.
  • Step 5 Walk forward and keep the tempo of a 2-step while you lead your partner's movements. Once you return to the cuddle, you both move forward doing the two step.

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