Now you needn’t sit on the fence looking in, you can confidently hit the floor and two step your way to applause. The Houston Two Step had its origins in the early 1950s and as its name suggests, is danced with two quick steps and two slow steps, moving counter clockwise, to pure country and western music. In complete form, it also includes many fun spins and turns, making it a truly enjoyable dance experience. The following are the dance steps that the Leader will take, with you as a Partner.
- Step 1 Face your dancing partner and stand with your feet together.
- Step 2 Extend your right hand forward and hold your partner’s waist. Keep your arm steady and firm. Extend your left hand outward to your side, while keeping your arm slightly bent. Then reach out and gently hold your partner’s hand.
- Step 3 Maintain dancing posture with your partner and wait for the music to begin.
- Step 4 Step quickly forward, using your left foot on the first beat.
- Step 5 Once again, step quickly forward, using your right foot, on the second beat.
- Step 6 Step slowly forward with your left foot on the third beat.Pause for a moment
- Step 7 On the forth beat, pause for just a moment. Continue dancing. Step forward slowly with your right foot on the fifth beat.
- Step 8 Return to original posture. Bring both your feet together while you pause for a moment through the sixth beat.
- Step 9 Repeat dance sequence. Take initial dance posture (see step one), then repeat the dance sequence (as per step two above).
- Step 10 The following are the dance steps that the ‘Follower’ should take along with the Leader. Take initial position. Face the leader and stand with your feet together.
- Step 11 Hold your Leader. Extend your left hand forward and place it on the Leader’s right shoulder.
- Step 12 Make palm contact. Place your right hand palm gently on the outstretched left palm of the Leader, while keeping your right elbow bent.
- Step 13 Use opposite steps. Make sure to do the opposite of what your Leader does. In other words, when the Leader moves his left foot forward, on the first beat, move your right foot back. Repeat each consecutive forward step, doing the opposite of the Leader’s step, every time.While moving in reverse direction ( When he steps forward with his right foot, step back with your left foot and repeat the sequence, ensuring that you do the opposite of what your Leader does, every time.
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