Friday, February 19, 2010

Do you wanna dance the Texas Two-Step

The Texas two-step is danced with two quick steps and two slow steps. After reading this eHow you'll be equipped with the basic knowledge of dancing the Texas two-step. Practice it at home and after you've learned it it's time to go show off what you've learned to some country tunes.

  • Step 1 Stand with your feet together facing your partner.
  • Step 2 Put your right hand on your partner's waist.
  • Step 3 Put your left hand out to your side with your arm slightly bent.
  • Step 4 Gently grasp your partner's hand.
  • Step 5 Wait for the music to start.
  • Step 6 On the first beat, step forward quickly with your left foot.
  • Step 7 On the second beat, step forward quickly with your right foot.
  • Step 8 On the third beat, step forward again with your left foot, but slowly.
  • Step 9 Pause through the fourth beat.
  • Step 10 On the fifth beat, step forward slowly with your right foot.
  • Step 11 Pause through the sixth beat, then pull your left foot even with your right.
  • Step 12 Repeat.
  • Step 1 Place your left hand on the leader's right shoulder.
  • Step 2 Bend your right elbow and place the palm of your right hand lightly on his outstretched palm.
  • Step 3 Do the opposite of what your partner does. Move your right foot back when the leader moves his left foot forward on the first beat.
  • Step 4 Continue following the directions for the leader, but in reverse - stepping back with your left foot when he steps forward with his right.

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